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In sight concerts

Neanderthal. Alcalá de Henares. Madrid
sábado, 14 de septiembre - 22:00 h.

En busca del fuego. Coedo. Portugal
miércoles, 18 de septiembre - 21:00 h.

neønymus. Valonsadero. Soria
sábado, 21 de septiembre - 12:00 h. mediodía.

Amaia Leizarán y neønymus. Danza y música. Tolosa. Navarra
viernes, 27 de septiembre - 19:30 h.

neønymus. Miengo. Cantabria
sábado, 05 de octubre - 19:30 h.

Neanderthal a Sapiens. La Palma. Canarias
sábado, 12 de octubre

Reservado. Galicia
jueves, 17 de octubre

Reservado. Burgos
viernes, 18 de octubre

More info & gigs

Summary concert at the Siega Verde Palaeolithic Site (Salamanca). Pleistocene fauna animations by Perruncho Studio.

About neønymus

neønymus creates in live a very personal mixture of voices, sounds and instruments, using early music vocal harmonies, contemporary, folk, and maybe some jazz. Started this solo project in 2010, after receiving various influences of Norwegian artists who have gone through Covarrubias, Burgos-Spain (place of residence).

His unique voice and the originality of his songs and format where vocal lines weave created live (sometimes rising chords and other, little phrases counterpoint), and fused with a brave combination of technology, small instruments music and some objects, to move the listener about imaginary places that recreate soundscapes from antiquity to modernity, some times with a huge emotional burden.

  • neønymus only needs two square metres and the impressive first five minutes of his concerts to transport the listener to other times, to other rhythms. El País. Newspaper

  • "It was one of the most touching musical experiences of my life.
    I've never seen anyone transmit music as you do." Anónimo

  • "¡neønymus es el gran chamán del sonido mágico.
    Imprescindible para que el alma vibre de verdad!" Iker Jiménez

  • "Llevaba tiempo sin sentir un Stendhal así de gordo.
    Anoche fue mágico en el volcán sonoro que se formó en el muladar de Quintanalara." Pablo Lobo

  • "Tu música remueve los cimientos, ya caducos, que ya no nos sirven, hace caer todas esas emociones que nos dividen, para conectarnos a una sola emoción. EL PRINCIPIO. Te doy las gracias por volver a recordarme en mi interior lo que soy realmente." Anónimo

Some videos and concerts

Echoes from prehistory, The end of Neanderthal, Visigoth funeral, Story of a ancient battle from iron age, The lament of Kristina Håkonsdatter, Ten seconds to wake up... are some of the titles of the repertorie of neønymus
neønymus does not the music made in the Paleolithic, but his music takes you to the Paleolithic.

Concert in the Cathedral of Palencia celebrating its 700th anniversary.

Ø Documentary film

On 13 May 2013 we started recording the album Ø neønymus, cloistered at the Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos, under the authorization of P. Abad, Dom Lorenzo, and with the intercession of P. Alfredo.

Read the whole story.

The only symbol of superiority I know, is goodness.


What neønymus offers


Year's first concert


Years since


Concerts performed


Educational concerts


In sight concerts


neø magic number